Economics International

Consulting and expert testimony in economics, finance, and statistics

For research and analysis

Category: Health

First podcast – Subsidies, smokes, and solar

Welcome to the Econ Minute. It’s more than a minute, and it’s about more than just economics. This is our first podcast. This pilot podcast begins with a visit to a mixed up world where the homeless are arrested for stealing less than a penny’s worth of electricity while high end electric vehicle drivers get […]

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How to get pregnant women to smoke, and smoke more: Put them on Medicaid

When Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion was being pushed, proponents argued that the increased insurance coverage would do wonderful things for pre-natal and newborn health. But, a new working paper is questioning that promise. The paper is called, “Does Medicaid Coverage for Pregnant Women Affect Prenatal Health Behaviors?” and is published by the National Bureau of Economic […]

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Lessons learned from Oregon’s state and local technology failures

Cover Oregon’s fizzled launch has been a high profile disaster for the state. After spending $160 million, Oregon’s health insurance exchange had exactly zero people sign up for private insurance in the first two months. Now Cover Oregon claims to have enrolled 7,300 people. However, the fine print from the Cover Oregon press release reveals […]

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Testimony: Valuation of medical practice

Evaluated Plaintiffs’ claims of foregone income. Plaintiffs alleged that Defendants violated their fiduciary duty by seeking seeking exclusive referrals from a cardiology group to the detriment of the corporation. Dr. Fruits performed a statistical analysis of the relationship between referrals and Plaintiffs’ revenues. He also analyzed impacts of changes in compensation formula on principals’ income. […]

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